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"Flipped and Zipped"
Students must follow the "Flipped and Zipped" rule.  
What "Flipped and Zipped" looks like - Students will walk with arms crossed and lips closed.

Students are expected to be "Flipped and Zipped" everywhere they go on the campus. This is not negotiable and will be enforced by all teachers. 

Students are expected to walk quietly from one class to another to avoid interrupting other classes.



In order to provide a safe, orderly learning environment for each student, procedures and rules of conduct must be established and adhered to. Every student is expected to abide by the rules of conduct outlined by the Caddo Parish School Board and the administration and faculty of University Elementary. The following behaviors are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

  1.  Fighting or participating in a fight. (Starting a fight, encouraging a fight, calling names, etc.)

  2.  Profanity or abusive or obscene language, writing, or gesture

  3.  Possessing or using tobacco, drugs, alcohol, weapons, matches or cigarette lighters, or fire     


  4.  Stealing or borrowing without the permission of the owner

  5.  Destroying or defacing school property (marking, tearing or damaging textbooks, chairs,

       lockers, desks, windows, walls, etc.)

  6.  Threatening to do bodily harm to another student, a teacher, etc., or to the physical plant

  7.  Skipping classes

  8.  Tardiness - students are to be in the classroom by or prior to the ringing of the bell

  9.  Willful disobedience, disrespecting, or defying school personnel (aides, teachers,

        administrators, bus drivers, custodial staff, cafeteria staff, etc.)

 10.  Refusing to do assigned work or to bring materials (books, paper, pencil, etc.)

 11.  Failing to carry home or return progress reports, report cards, notes, behavior forms, etc.

 12.  Dishonesty - Cheating on tests, forging notes, falsifying information

 13.  Chewing gum or eating in class without teacher’s permission

 14.  Running, yelling, or throwing objects

 15.  Leaving class without permission. Students must have a hall pass from the teacher to leave

        the room.

 16.  Bringing toys, magazines, radios, video games, or playground equipment from home, unless

        needed for class work. If these items are taken up, parents will have to pick them up in the


 17.  Cluttered desk and locker “clean outs” will be administered periodically.



Sports World now has a link to look at uniforms.

Dress Code



Please review the uniform policy and the student dress code for the 2012-2013 school year. 


Uniforms are mandatory. Uniforms must be clean and in good repair. Shreveport Gymnastics 

and Sports World are our selected suppliers. We encourage you to look at the uniforms at one of 

these locations, before purchasing items from other sources. If items are purchased elsewhere 

they must comply with the uniform policy. Please be certain to purchase only those items that 

meet the uniform requirements, as students won’t be allowed to wear items that don’t comply 

with the uniform policy. 

Skirts, pants, shorts, capris and skorts must be twill fabric and NAVY; No cargo, sweat or wind 

shorts or pants or jeans and NO KHAKI. 

Jumpers or skirts may be the plaid and found at our suppliers only. Other plaid patterns are not 

allowed. Navy jumpers are allowed. 

Solid colored knit shirts (long or short sleeves) may be white or red, with collar and buttons: 

No logos, stripes on the collar or decorations and NO NAVY OR MAROON. 

Oxford cloth shirts (long or short sleeves) white: No logos, ruffles, stripes or decorations. 


White middy blouses with plaid or navy ties may be worn by girls. 


Belts are required on clothing with belt loops (No scarf-type or big buckle belts). 


Only solid white long or short sleeve knit shirts may be worn under uniform shirts. 

Solid colored (navy, red or white) light weight jackets, sweaters or sweatshirts may be worn over 

the uniform. Waist length heavy coats must be navy blue and are not worn in the classroom. 



Students and their clothing should be neat, clean and well groomed and must meet the following 

guidelines as outlined by the Caddo Parish School Board. 

 1. Shoes must be worn at all times. No rubber “flip-flops”, platform shoes, roller 

 blades, cleats, or crocs; shoes & sandals need to have a back strap. 

 These are safety concerns. Socks are required with all shoes. Only solid 

 colored (red, white or blue) knee socks, socks, stockings, leotards or 

 leggings. (No bright colors or stripes). 

 2. Headwear, sunglasses, hoop earrings, wallet chains, hair rollers, make-up, fake 

 finger nails and tattoos are prohibited. 

 3. Only middy blouses designed to be worn outside skirts shall be worn in that 

 manner. Belts are required if clothing with belt loops is worn. (No scarf-type or 

 big buckle belts) 

 4. Pants, shorts, skorts or skirts must be worn at the waist. No “sagging” is 

 permitted. No clothing may be shorter than 4 inches above the knees. 

 5. Label all possessions (including clothing) so that lost items may be returned. 

 The school is not responsible for lost or damaged items. 


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